Get Straighter Teeth With Less Hassle

Get Straighter Teeth With Less Hassle

Have you always wished you had perfectly straight teeth? Some adults don't have the smile they had always dreamed of because they didn't get braces when they were teenagers. Some did get braces but didn't wear their retainer as directed, which caused their teeth to shift to their original position.

Many adults today don't want to get traditional braces because they will affect their smile and overall appearance.

Fortunately, Dr. Jeffrey Band, Dr. Elliot Nash, and Dr. Anthony J. Vitale of Personal Choice Dental provide an alternative option to correct your smile that provides benefits you won't get with traditional braces.

What Is Invisalign?

Invisalign in Old Bridge, NJ, consists of various aligners designed to slowly straighten your teeth. When one aligner has done its job, your dentist will fit you with another aligner. This process will continue until the treatment is complete.

What Conditions Does Invisalign Treat?

Invisalign can correct most issues that affect the appearance of your smile. These include:

  • Overbite
  • Underbite
  • Crossbite
  • Crowded teeth
  • Gap teeth

What Are the Benefits Of Invisalign That You Cannot Get From Traditional Braces?

Traditional braces and Invisalign can both correct your smile; however, Invisalign provides benefits you cannot get from traditional braces. These include:

  • Invisalign aligners are transparent: Traditional braces consist of metal and wires that are very noticeable when you smile, speak and laugh. Invisalign aligners are transparent, and unless you tell people you have Invisalign, they won't even know.
  • The treatment time is shorter: Most people have to wear braces for at least a year to correct their smile. Invisalign can correct your smile in half the time. On average, Invisalign treatment takes six months. It can be a bit longer depending on the severity of your condition.
  • Less pain: Traditional braces need to be tightened every month to move the treatment along. This adjustment can be very painful for the first couple of days after. In addition, the metal brackets on your teeth can cut the inside of your mouth.
  • Invisalign aligners shift your teeth more gently, and there is less pain. Also, the aligners are smooth and cannot cut the inside of your mouth.
  • Brushing your teeth is simple: Brushing your teeth with braces can be time-consuming and a hassle. If you don't brush around the brackets properly, your teeth will be white under the brackets and yellow around where the bracket was when your braces are removed. Also, your toothbrush cannot clean under the wires, and you will need to use a special tool.
  • With Invisalign, you can brush and floss as usual because you remove the aligner before brushing. Cleaning the aligner is also easy. You simply soak the aligner for an hour or two every night, then brush gently with your toothbrush.
  • You can eat anything you want: With traditional braces, you have to avoid eating certain foods. Hard, sticky, and chewy food such as popcorn, nuts, pizza crust, chewing gum, and saltwater taffy can all damage your braces and should be avoided.

With Invisalign, the aligner is removed when you eat; therefore, there are no food restrictions.

If you want to correct your smile without a mouth full of metal, Dr. band, Dr. Nash and Dr. Vitale can help. They offer Invisalign treatment that can correct your smile without anyone ever knowing you are wearing an aligner.

To schedule an appointment, call (732) 727-1211.

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